Aside from the video games comment (I prefer reading) and not going out (I enjoy being out and about) this is a...

Aside from the video games comment (I prefer reading) and not going out (I enjoy being out and about) this is a fairly accurate description of me:


Becoming close friends with an INTP can be a challenge. Most people are kept at a certain distance outside the INTP’s discomfort zone. When they encounter someone with whom they share common interest and similar thinking styles, the quiet and reserved INTP may become surprisingly enthusiastic and chatty. As a friend, the INTP rarely initiates get-togethers but is usually willing to hangout when invited. They mostly like discussing intellectually/philosophically rich topics, chilling at bookstores and libraries and playing video games. INTPs tend to be homebodies though. They don’t like to disappoint friends but may sometimes back out from or cancel engagemeny._

Originally shared by Astroligion


Tony David said…
Pretty much the same. Though I'm trying to pick it up again, I'm not much of a book reader (you can replace that with gaming and programming).
Lily Alice said…
I figure it must be INTPs under 40 or so? Idk about that or really quite how old you are... But two of my sons are the same type and they consume games the way I consume books, so.
Tony David said…
I'm 41. :) But I've been sitting behind computers since the age of 7 or so, has always been a large part of my life.
Jason ON said…
I'm older than Tony David, but can't stand games. Give me a book, a camera or something I can use alone. Sometimes it's even a motorcycle ride. Put the helmet on, go out alone and just be.
Lily Alice said…
Aye. Same. Except car or bike.

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