While there is no reported proof #DonaldTrump actually brought "hundreds of workers" to Ground Zero to help the...
While there is no reported proof #DonaldTrump actually brought "hundreds of workers" to Ground Zero to help the cleanup and recovery efforts, he has used 9/11 as a tool for his real estate businesses as well as a political tool to go after Muslims. He has also disrespected the 9/11 tragedy time and again while focusing on himself and taken tax payers money that was supposed to help small businesses recover citing how noble he was to offer assistance, he needed to be paid.
The most telling example of Trump’s understanding of 9/11, of his total lack of empathy and of his pathological self-centeredness came the morning of the attack. While on the phone with Secaucus, New Jersey’s WWOR, Trump was asked whether his building at 40 Wall Street has sustained any damaged as a result of the attacks. He proceeded to brag about how now that the World Trade Center had fallen, he owned the tallest building in downtown Manhattan. “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan,” Trump said. “Before the World Trade Center it was the tallest. Then when the built the World Trade Center it become known as the second-tallest, and now it’s the tallest.”
In #TrumpNation 9/11 is only a PR tool to push an agenda.
Originally shared by John French
2 days after the September 11th attacks Donald Trump was at ground zero with hundreds of workers that he payed for to help find and identify victims. Share this photo to remind people exactly what kind of American our President is!
Just remember america backs the people it blamed for 9-11...
And has been for many years.