
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Dead Don't Die

Currently watching this movie which has about every actor in Hollywood having some role in it. Bill Murray, Steve Buscemi, Adam Driver, Selena Gomez and Tilda Swinton. It even has Iggy Pop and Rza. And for all that star power it only had a 5.5 on  IMDB .


For long time friends, you already know my favorite band is  Garbage . They really are fantastic and Shirley Mansons's vocals are always wonderful.  So, you can understand my consternation this morning when I was listening to a  Garbage  mix provided by YouTube while making breakfast and my roommate said, "Oh, I love Garbage. Great band. I don't care what people say about her, but Courtney Love did a great job as the singer." Uh - what? "Courtney Love's never been in Garbage," I replied.  "Oh. What band was she in?"  "Hole," I answered.  [ Stupid Girl  by Garbage comes on.] "I didn't know Garbage sang Stupid Girl," he says.  I had to roll me eyes and walk away.

Update because ... Why Not?

I haven't posted here in a while and thought I'd share a photo of the tree my roommate and his son put up.  Hopefully I'll remember to post here more often going forward.