Undeniable proof I'm an idiot:
Undeniable proof I'm an idiot:
For the past month, or so, I've been vlogging. Trying to find my "voice" I've been carrying my action cam with me while out walking the dogs. Walking and talking, as it were. I have hours of footage of nothing in particular that I haven't loaded anywhere because it's really really boring.
Well, this morning I took the camera out, walked and talked, then came in and set the camera aside. Note: when I grabbed the camera this morning it was from the charger.
A few hours later I go out only to turn the camera on and have it tell me the battery is dead, or nearly so. Apparently I never turned it off but rather let it go to 'sleep' mode.
Okay, so I stuff it in my pocket and fire up my cell phone, open the camera app and switch it to video so I can record that way.
Problem solved. For nearly an hour I walk and talk about a variety of subjects, one usually leading into another, just letting my mind go where it wants to go. I arrive back home and say "goodbye" to the camera and ... apparently I never actually hit record. I walked and talked for an hour without recording a single second.
But hey, look, there's a sunset from last week: