FWIW, I had an excellent call with Seagate customer service yesterday.
FWIW, I had an excellent call with Seagate customer service yesterday.
Seagate has discontinued as NAS service I was using to backup photos and as compensation they sent me a "free" 2TB external HDD. Well, the drive never worked. I plugged it in and Windows immediately told me there was a problem so I downloaded the Seagate self-diagnosis tools and the drive failed immediately.
Running out of Warranty time I decided to call Seagate because the self-diagnosis tools gave me a different serial and model number than was stamped on the drive itself and the registration confirmation email I had received from Seagate had yet another serial and part number.
The rep I got (Marcos) was extremely helpful and although I was wrong about the warranty's expiration date (I was just three days past the deadline) he honored it anyway.
Anywho, I'm just passing along the good word.
And here's #Rufus for no apparent reason.