Why are there 6 "Homeland Security" officers and Denver PD hanging around the light rail station?

Why are there 6 "Homeland Security" officers and Denver PD hanging around the light rail station? They're not riding it, just BSing and getting some sun.

That's not even considering the transit cops that were here as well.


Jeff Creed said…
They're protecting you from turrists. You should thank them for their hard work.
James Karaganis said…
Just walk over and ask them "where do you want 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel delivered?"
They are going to touch your penis to make sure you're not a terrorist
John Bowman said…
Our tax dollars at work. Ain't it great to be an American.
Jason ON said…
I need a job where I can stand around all day with a gun, make people worried and get lifetime healthcare with decent pay, too.

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