Books were just books until I read Stranger in a Strange Land.
Books were just books until I read Stranger in a Strange Land. Like Plato's cave allegory, it demonstrated there are different views - perspectives, if you will - to how people understand the world around them.
Originally shared by Filippo Salustri
Which #sf book helped you grow up?
It's an interesting question. Growing up, I kept looking for someone to explain why the world was so screwed up. Now I realise it was a stupid quest, because the people who should have known the answers were in fact the ones screwing it up.
And it was Asimov's Foundation Series that helped me get through that time. It taught me about statistics and systems, albeit in not those terms. And I still see things through those lenses today, and it's helped me ever since.
Which book helped you?
Originally shared by Filippo Salustri
Which #sf book helped you grow up?
It's an interesting question. Growing up, I kept looking for someone to explain why the world was so screwed up. Now I realise it was a stupid quest, because the people who should have known the answers were in fact the ones screwing it up.
And it was Asimov's Foundation Series that helped me get through that time. It taught me about statistics and systems, albeit in not those terms. And I still see things through those lenses today, and it's helped me ever since.
Which book helped you?