I could not get the camera to focus properly and I think someone walking by might have had the camera shake a bit on...
I could not get the camera to focus properly and I think someone walking by might have had the camera shake a bit on the SV picture, but the others turned out okay.
This is from our night ride up Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park this past Friday. There were 27 bikes and 30 people on this ride.
Our route: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216178225411704579963.0004aa9297ae414e97758&msa=0
This is from our night ride up Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park this past Friday. There were 27 bikes and 30 people on this ride.
Our route: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216178225411704579963.0004aa9297ae414e97758&msa=0