I'm shutting down Google+ for the night and quite possibly for the weekend. Why? This stupid #gifwars thing people are so proud of. This Adam Black guy said he doesn't like gifs and now everyone is mass trolling him. Having been mass trolled like this I can relate to him easily enough. Have an opinion and the collective might of Google+'s lower class denizens jump on a bandwagon. I just saw a post where someone wanted to jump on board and had to get clarification she was tagging the proper Adam Black. She wasn't even connected to him ! Nor was she a part of the original discussion. She just wanted to follow the herd. When I called her out of it she claimed, "one gif doesn't make a troll." Perhaps not, but she's contributing to a larger troll effort. One straw doesn't break the camel's back, but thousands will. So, tonight, Google+ disgusts me. It probably will tomorrow as well. And possibly Sunday. I gave up Google+ for two months this spring
A friend emailed me this proposed route for our trip to Telluride this weekend: http://goo.gl/gbNvo
When I go to Save to My Places it does not save anywhere. I have tried 3 times over two days to save it with no success.
Okay, it's not that difficult of a map so I'll just re-create it. So, I draw it out using the line drawing tool that following the roads. Although there are some difficulties with this as Google Maps always wants to choose a route I do not want it to choose I finally get it the way I want. Save. And what happens? All the lines I just painstakingly drew are now straight, ie: not following the roads. And they're all over the place. instead of from point A to Z.
Refresh. Still not following the roads. Log out and in, still not following the roads. So, all my work for nothing I can use. And this happens every. single. time. I try and create a Google Map.
Are you saying that this map (http://goo.gl/gbNvo) is showing straight lines? It looks like they've snapped to the road.
Regarding inability to save the map, our UI has changed a bit, so indulge me here, please. Because this is an older map, it should be bookmarked by date - in this case - Jun 2010. Can you confirm it isn't there? When I saved it, I had to wade through a bunch of other maps to find it. Just want to make sure that it didn't get lost at the bottom of a list.
edit: I have four Maps with June dates and none of them are the one that was sent to me by a friend. I think Curtis Edenfield sees similar problems when trying to save maps.
Joel Headley, here is an URL to the map with the straight lines. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216178225411704579963.0004ab5aad1795b0b2519&msa=0 I re-created it twice and both times when I saved the map the lines went from following the roads to straight like this.
We'll work on the straight lines thing.