It's odd and almost frustrating. I live in Texas,I am very far from conservative and people I know and hang out with quite a few I work with are far from it.
However, the state as a whole kind of kills that and you cant shake that image no matter how you try.
So that map for example shows college degrees, and for my county it up there. but we are still as a whole the dumb hicks from Texas. And then Rick Perry is not helping our case one bit.
Now also, Colorado has a city on the list of most conservative cities and it has my city right next to it. And I say bull, but I know that I deal with and travel in a circle that doesn't have everybody in it so yeah, pretty sure its accurate too many freaking "smart" people riding around with "Thank God for Palin" stickers to argue that.
Man I aint waiting that long to have some kid named Skip or Chance bring me a cold stripper with the mayonnaise instead of mustard.Keep your strippers. Damn Cheesecake Factory
25 states have lower unemployment than Texas. Texas leads the nation in the percentage of workers earning minimum wage. 24 states have a higher per capita income than Texas. 42 states have a lower poverty rate than Texas.
I'm shutting down Google+ for the night and quite possibly for the weekend. Why? This stupid #gifwars thing people are so proud of. This Adam Black guy said he doesn't like gifs and now everyone is mass trolling him. Having been mass trolled like this I can relate to him easily enough. Have an opinion and the collective might of Google+'s lower class denizens jump on a bandwagon. I just saw a post where someone wanted to jump on board and had to get clarification she was tagging the proper Adam Black. She wasn't even connected to him ! Nor was she a part of the original discussion. She just wanted to follow the herd. When I called her out of it she claimed, "one gif doesn't make a troll." Perhaps not, but she's contributing to a larger troll effort. One straw doesn't break the camel's back, but thousands will. So, tonight, Google+ disgusts me. It probably will tomorrow as well. And possibly Sunday. I gave up Google+ for two months this spring
Are you a terrorist?
I had to say it.
I live in Texas,I am very far from conservative and people I know and hang out with quite a few I work with are far from it.
However, the state as a whole kind of kills that and you cant shake that image no matter how you try.
So that map for example shows college degrees, and for my county it up there. but we are still as a whole the dumb hicks from Texas.
And then Rick Perry is not helping our case one bit.
Now also, Colorado has a city on the list of most conservative cities and it has my city right next to it. And I say bull, but I know that I deal with and travel in a circle that doesn't have everybody in it so yeah, pretty sure its accurate too many freaking "smart" people riding around with "Thank God for Palin" stickers to argue that.
"Are you from here? from Texas?"
"I wasn't born here, but I got here as soon as I could"
That translates into free beers in some places. Chips and salsa in others.
This should answer your question / start you on your true spiritual path...
25 states have lower unemployment than Texas.
Texas leads the nation in the percentage of workers earning minimum wage.
24 states have a higher per capita income than Texas.
42 states have a lower poverty rate than Texas.
0 Beer volcanoes
Talk about a shitty place to afterlife at!!!