I would deparately love to be able to search my +1's on Google+.

I would deparately love to be able to search my +1's on Google+. I plussed something last night I would like to find again and I can't find it. Remember, we could search our Likes in Buzz.


Jason, if you can remember something from the post, you could try to find it at http://gplussearch.com
Kim Landwehr said…
Really you would think that this something that Google would be able to do.
Tim Bond said…
On a desktop browser, my profile has a +1 tab.

I like the bookmark/star/+1 concept - any google starred/plussed item (mail, docs, g+, youtube, buzz, search results) could show up in one searchable list. Of course, most of those items would need to stay private. +1 is meant for others to see, so I guess that's not in the works.
Lorie Johnson said…
I use Google Lists to bookmark links I want to return to. I have a category just for miscellaneous stuff. I like the ability to make them public or private (default private).
Jason ON said…
Robert Dewey, I agree with you on that remark, however the Likes worked fine in Buzz even though people Liked everything there.

What I really want, and I made this feature request at the beginning of Google+, is the ability to somehow mark, either via the +1 or some sort of pin, or star, an item on mobile so I can return to it on desktop.

A way to search my +1s solves this and I wouldn't think would be very hard to implement for the world's search giant.

Ali Alhasani, I"m not a huge fan of browser extensions.

Jannik Lindquist, I can't remember anything of the post other than an image of a piece of wood or leather about the size of a coin with a short sentence engraved on it. I remember liking the sentence and +1ing the post sometime last night, but I can't remember who posted it, did I comment or just +1 it?, did anyone else comment, etc?

Lorie Johnson, Google Lists? I use GBookmarks for links I want to keep bookmarked. What's lists?
Lorie Johnson said…
You can create lists of bookmarks under various categories. That's what I do.
Jason ON said…
I have lists of Bookmarks in GBookmarks. How does that allow me to bookmark an individual post, especially from mobile?
Lorie Johnson said…
Well, dang. I guess it doesn't bookmark individual posts, does it? I did not know that. That needs fixing.
Jason ON said…
No. Those are internet +1s, not Google+ +1s.

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