Just read #TheStarWars, a graphic novel set to George Lucas's original #StarWars script, wherein Luke Skywalker was...
Just read #TheStarWars, a graphic novel set to George Lucas's original #StarWars script, wherein Luke Skywalker was an aged Jedi-Bendu hunted by the Knights of Sith; where Alderaan was the center of the galactic empire and Han Solo was a large green alien. Oh, and Artoo speaks in Basic (English).
Upon reading this I could definitely see the pieces Lucas kept, the ones he didn't and the influences that gave us the prequels and the Disney films.
While it seems like it would have made a fine space action movie, I think the New Hope we got was a much better story.
Upon reading this I could definitely see the pieces Lucas kept, the ones he didn't and the influences that gave us the prequels and the Disney films.
While it seems like it would have made a fine space action movie, I think the New Hope we got was a much better story.