So, apparently my Mom's two year contract with at&t was up and she decided to jump on a plan as an addition to my...

So, apparently my Mom's two year contract with at&t was up and she decided to jump on a plan as an addition to my brother (who also lives in Florida). Apparently this will save her $23/mo or something, so no big deal. However, she went from some non-i, non-Android phone to an iPhone.

She was showing it to me and I asked: is that the 3Gs? Her reply? "Oh, hell, I don't know, but isn't it cool? I can get apps now." Oh, and she's under some weird idea that I can show her how to use it. I've never used an iPhone in my life.

Plus, she'll never use it to half it's potential, much less all of it's potential.


Yay Happens said…
But her interest and excitement show potential that she'll use it to whatever potential she can and needs! LOL. Go JMom!
Jason ON said…
Oh, you don't know my mom, Yay Happens. She's excited because she thought she caught up with the modern age.