otherwise known as personalized results) or what but I can almost never find what I'm looking for when I'm not...

otherwise known as personalized results) or what but I can almost never find what I'm looking for when I'm not looking for something on Wikipedia, an image or a YT video.

I mean, seriously, if I read an article then search Google News for that same or a similar article by keywords I remember, I can't find it.

Take tonight for example. I could have sworn I read somewhere months ago about how to search the Google+ Stream unfiltered by connections, Circles, search terms, etc. It was something simple but I can't remember what it was or when it was posted. I do remember it was posted on G+ by a Googler (I think).

So, I searched for:
Google+ search stream
Google+ search timeline
Google+ search unfiltered
Google+ search tips and tricks
Google+ search tips

And a few other variants. I searched them both inside G+ and in Google's main search engine.

I went through pages of results with a vast majority of them not even remotely related to what I was looking for. Most were blogs and articles, shares and reshares of blogs and articles all talking about Google+ search personalization and Google+You (and Me). None of which I was looking for.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? With the search, I mean?


Pam Boling said…
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but if you're looking for something anywhere on Google+ in streams, here's what to type in Google search:

site:plus.google.com -inurl:posts "have * in circles" "YOUR SEARCH"

Replace YOUR SEARCH with what you want to find. Leave quotation marks alone. If you want to find something in profiles (say, you'd like to find people in your local area), use criteria

instead of posts.
Jason ON said…
That's not it, Pam Chalkley . There is a way to look at tthe stream unfiltered. You see the stream of everyone as they post right then and there regardless of whether they're connected to you or not.
Pam Boling said…
Oh, sorry, then I don't know. I thought you were trying to search for something in particular.
Jason ON said…
Nope, that's easy enough. :)
Pam Boling said…
Now you have me searching... to no avail. OMG, everyone on Google+ though? Wouldn't that be moving so fast you can't even see it?
Jason ON said…
Yeah, but that's what the Pause button is for. :)
Brenda Curtis said…
So Google can't help you find what you're not sure what you are looking for?
Sorry, I'm awake at almost 3 am for some reason. words aren't making complete sense yet.
Jason ON said…
Yes. :)
I kknow I've seen it (saw it on G+), I know what it is (a way to use search to see the entire G+ stream unfiltered), but I can't remember who posted it.