For the motorcyclists.

For the motorcyclists. I'm a huge fan of helmets and some people just don't understand the protections helmets afford. Granted, most of these people ride Hardley's and don't go fast enough to hurt themselves, but still, helmets are important. As an example, a friend of mine (a HD rider who thinks helmets are stupid) was hit by a car gooing 10MPH while he was going 15MPH through an intersection. He spent 2 weeks in head trauma ICU with massive facial reconstruction surgeries to include bone grafts, plastic surgeries and medications to help with mental issues stemming from that accident.

Helmets are good for you and there is no reason to fight that.

Originally shared by PBS NewsHour

More and more states are repealing and relaxing helmet laws, even as the death toll continues to rise from motorcycle accidents.


Ivan Hennessy said…
Fuck the fighters, wear a helmet so you can tell me how dumb the other guy was.
The human cost in dead and injured people too stupid to wear a helmet has to be high. The cost to the economy of looking after human vegetables has to be high. On an economic basis alone, it is stupid.

I used to spray-paint my helmet every Monday to cover the scratches (that would have been skin) from the weekend's riding. All the colors in the scratches... It used to look interesting. 

I probably would have totalled my head at least once every weekend. As it was, I never did. You can almost tell. Some of the legislators were apparently not so lucky.

Experience tells me that they are being stupid by repealing the helmet laws, unless they are trying to increase the supply of organ donors. Then maybe they are being smart, if cold-blooded.
Ivan Hennessy said…
I'm used to seeing folks who have a helmet on the back of the bike for when they cross state lines.

Dumb fucks.
I agree that you can't stop everyone from being stupid. The helmet on the back of the bike is like wearing a tee-shirt that says "I'm with stupid" and has an arrow pointing up to the wearer's face...

Ivan Hennessy, you are quoting the Facebook guy, whatsisname. That's what he called Facebook users.
Ivan Hennessy said…
Murray, I'm not quoting anyone.
I live in Vermont, we're next to New Hampshire, before that, I lived in Chicago, near Indiana.

I don't see how my it matters to the squids who become illustrations of fluid dynamics.
Simon Shupp said…
Choice, it's a beautiful thing....

How ever for those hatin' on the non-helmet types, please at least, consider this.... The average helmet adds 3-4 pounds of weight to a support structure (the neck, and spine) that was not necessarily designed for that extra weight, there for changing the center of gravity, and the inertia applied during an impact, increasing the odds of a neck fracture, or broken neck. 
Add this to the 20% chance of actually landing on your head during a crash, based on the bodies dimensions and surface appendages, and the fact that even though you wear a helmet, you still suffer brain impact, not talking about facial damage, i'm talking about your brain rattling around inside your skull impact, the unseen hemorrhage of micro blood vessels, that slowly and silently build pressure and kill you with out notice.
In a traditional Risk Vs Reward mentality, it is not hard to understand why folk decide not to wear helmets.

Now for you helmet haters, what we do is dangerous, you are an idiot if you say other wise, between flying debris, cagers, and all sorts of other things. and like any other dangerous activity, we should wear appropriate protective gear.

For that matter so should cagers, i mean yea they have a cage around them yea, but the laws of inertia still apply, and they have steering wheels, airbags, dashes, windows, and the cage bars themselves all ready to play pin ball with their head.  

Why are there no laws mandating helmets in cages? It seems just as dangerous. I'll tell you why i think this is, Helmets for the most part are moderately uncomfortable at best, and the ones that are enacting the helmet laws, do not ride motorcycles, therefore the helmet law does not apply to them. If they had to wear helmets, I am quite sure the decision to wear a helmet would fall almost immediately back to where it belongs... to the rider.

As i said, Choice is a beautiful thing. 

I'm not telling you to wear a helmet, and I'm not telling you not to wear one, i'm telling you to use the one human certainty that every human being is given at birth, the power to choose. 

I've made my choice, will you? or will you continue to follow what every one else tells you to do?
Jason ON said…
Simon Shupp , the more expensive helmets don't weigh that much.

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