US Army. I served.

US Army. I served.


David Blanar said…
Thank you for your service.
Rugger Ducky said…
I actually didn't know you'd been in Jason, what was your MOS? Mine was the shittiest one there was (no, I wasn't a cook or MP, it was worse. Yes, worse.)
Mike Bates said…
I was in the Oregon Army National Guard, does that count?
Jason ON said…
Worse than a Cook, Rugger Ducky? I went in as a 39G and the MOS was changed to 74G about halfway through. I hated it. I took my dad's advice and "got into computers." I should have done something in intelligence or PR.

No it doesn't, Mike Bates. :P
Arseniy Tkachuk said…
Played ARMA and ARMA2. Counts?
Rugger Ducky said…
77F10H7 (Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Supply Specialist with truck driver ASI), stationed in Avn units the whole time. Spent 5 years pumping gas and ammo into running helicopters. Yes, running helicopters. So blowing dust, smoke, sparks, everything around, and trying not to breathe the crap and blow up. ;)
Rugger Ducky said…
I would say the NG counts nowadays, since you're just as likely to get called to AD and shipped to Afghanistan.
Jason ON said…
If they served in a forward position it counts, if not, it doesn't.
Rugger Ducky said…
Tried to reclass as a 98B (counter intel), and the day before my DLAB and reclass packet made it to DA, I came down on orders for a 4 yr Germany tour. As a mid-careerist. Ironically it was about a week after DADT came down, so I decided to do the honorable thing and say "Fuck you too" back to the US Army. ;)
Alan Pruitt said…
I served too - 97B30 - last post DLI @ Monterey.
Rugger Ducky said…
Alan Pruitt I live in San Jose now after a very long circle back around the country. When I left the service it was when Ft Ord closed down--that was one weird year. The "Planet Ord" looks SOOO different now.
Alan Pruitt said…
Tell me about it - I think I was the last group to do the land nav course at Ft Ord - when I started DLI. I moved to Pleasanton for 12 years after DLI.
Ryan Petrain said…
I was a 96D, Imagery Analyst.
Billy Kollmar said…
21B (used to be 12B) Combat Engineer in Missouri Army National Guard (21 years) 2 Tours in Iraq doing route clearance several foray's into Sadar City does that count?

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