Hey, where'd the YouTube tab on my Google+ screen go? You know, the slide out one on the right hand side.


Brianne said…
Hmm. Mine's still there.
Mine is still there... for now...
Chris Kim A said…
Mine's still here, too
Ursula Rodgers said…
I have it, but I did have it disappear a few days ago. I forget how I got it back - probably closing the tab/browser and reopening it.
Mine is there, but the Reader tab is gone.
Jason ON said…
There's a reader tab?
Chris Kim A said…
Maybe he means in the black bar. It took me a second to realize you were talking about the pop-out YT tab at first.
Jason ON said…
That's the tab I'm talking about, the slide out YT tab. It's gone. It was there yesterday. Weird.
Chris Kim A said…
Mine's only missing from the non-Stream pages, like usual
Jason ON said…
Now it's back. Weird.

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