So, while I'm trying to watch The Big Bang Theory the neighbor lady comes over and starts talking to my aunt.
So, while I'm trying to watch The Big Bang Theory the neighbor lady comes over and starts talking to my aunt. They're both right here in the living room talking over to the TV. Neither of them has even thought to leave the room, go outside or anything. I turned the volume up and they talked louder.
I have bare'y heard a word of this episode.
And what are they talking about? Nothing. My cat does this, my husband mows the lawn, the other neighbor's A/C person ...
Seriously? Does no one find this inconsiderate?
I have bare'y heard a word of this episode.
And what are they talking about? Nothing. My cat does this, my husband mows the lawn, the other neighbor's A/C person ...
Seriously? Does no one find this inconsiderate?
Neither my mom or my aunt have ever taken into account what other people are doing when they do something that makes considerable noise.