Who wants to change the Profile picture?
Who wants to change the Profile picture? We haven't done this in a while and I think it's about time. Basically, I'm tired of seeing my ugly mug up there in the corner.
#MRPROFILE0717 <== is the tag to use for entry.
So, rules are the same as the last bunch of times:
1] You MUST own the rights to the picture or have the permission of the rights holder to use it. Image must also be of something motorcycle related.
2] If you used the image to enter last time, you can't use it to enter this time. That doesn't mean you can't use an image you shared before, only that you can't use an image you entered in one of the Profile contests in the past.
3] Tag your contest entries with #MRPROFILE0717 . If you can't tell by the tag, this contest ends on July 31, 2017. On August 01 we'll tally the votes and change the image accordingly.
4] No nudity, hate speech, blah, blah, blah. Seriously, if it's offensive, it's gone. It's that simple. That means no religious images or political speech. This is a motorcycle community, not a soapbox.
5] Pro shots/marketing materials are allowed by those of you representing a company, product or service, but the focus of the image should still be something to do with motorcycle riding and not just your logo, etc. Also, see rule number 1.
6] Ties will be decided by the moderation staff and if we can't decide, well, I'll use a picture of my feet. Yes, I have pictures of my feet.
For the record, this happened once and you all weren't very happy, so be sure to post and vote.
7] Something else I'm sure I'm forgetting.
8] Don't forget to make sure your image will fit nicely in the upper left hand corner. That is, it should either be (a) in profile or (b) able to be cropped in profile in a manner to convey the image's full luster. We've had it in the past where a winning image, when cropped, lost much of it's attraction.
And Go!
Don't forget to vote, too. Voting can be done in one of one ways: by clicking that +1 button. The picture with the most plus 1s wins.
[photo slightly related, but not a part of the contest]
plus.google.com - #MRPROFILE0717 Taken this spring near the U.S./Mexico border, south of Patag...