We rode our bikes through Colorado.

We rode our bikes through Colorado. Instead of uploading everything to here, I decided to compile it all to a blog. I wish it was better written but I have a giant headache -- probably from lack of water over the past couple of days.

Anywho, enjoy.

Originally shared by Jason ON

So, we took a little motorcycle ride through Colorado this weekend. We started with just under twenty bikes and ended with six bikes and two Jeeps. 

That's just how these things work, I guess.


Curt Carter said…
Great write-up Jason ON,  that was definitely an adventure.  Rain, hail, and bad service...good thing you were riding through some beautiful country.  :-)   ~Curt
Jason ON said…
Grrr... rename an album and all the pictures are gone. That sucks. Now to remember which images were where....

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