The listing for Deism is really horrible... it may as well not even been included.
There's been a lot of rewriting of what deism really is over the last decade so that Libertarians like Ron Paul can claim it as their own without crawling too far away from the Republican Party. (Much like Libertarianism itself has been rewritten.)
In my book, if you want to know Deism get to know Voltaire.
I've been on the fence of atheism and deism since the early-to-mid-90's. Trust me here, I know what I'm talking about.
Plus one on the nifty and fairly thorough chart though.
ETA: The tag-line that accompanied real Deism back in the day was: "The Scientists Religion". Thus the obvious need for a modern rewrite of its definition and roots.
So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?
What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and, therefore, turns them off for each new post? Keep in mind, this is supposed to be "social" media.
There's been a lot of rewriting of what deism really is over the last decade so that Libertarians like Ron Paul can claim it as their own without crawling too far away from the Republican Party. (Much like Libertarianism itself has been rewritten.)
In my book, if you want to know Deism get to know Voltaire.
I've been on the fence of atheism and deism since the early-to-mid-90's. Trust me here, I know what I'm talking about.
Plus one on the nifty and fairly thorough chart though.
ETA: The tag-line that accompanied real Deism back in the day was: "The Scientists Religion". Thus the obvious need for a modern rewrite of its definition and roots.