Because only an idiot would believe the lynch mob who was talking out of their ass and wanted this to be race issue when it was a 100% clear cut self-defense, where all physical evidence, ballistics, forensics and witnesses showed it was..
The whole "young innocent Trayvon was 17 and was eating skittles and now he's gone" is complete bullshit.
This little innocent kid was dealing drugs, beating up bus drivers, owned multiple guns, wore gold teeth and was caught stealing stuff (though it was never admitted because they couldn't find where he stole it from).. Clearly a very aggressive kid (also quite a bit taller than Zimmerman) who decided on that night after spotting a neighborhood watch individual who lived in the community was watching him, instead of going home that was like 300 feet away, he would actually circle around ZImmerman and pummel his head in.
Not sure wtf you are talking about. And let's stop with racist bullshit as that is not what was the case here.. judge specifically forbid this case to be presented as racial issue because evidence clearly shows it wasn't.
And you can foam on your mouth as much as you want about injustice and he was 17 because that doesn't mean shit when that 17 year old kid attacks you and tried to smash your head in..
Wtf is wrong with you people. There is a racism issue in this country..and while yes, some black people are on the nasty side of it, blacks can be just as racist and disgusting towards other groups (including whites)..
If anyone was a racist that night it was Trayvon with his creepy ass cracka comments.
Because the Prosecution failed to make a case for 2nd degree murder.
They failed quite miserably, actually. Most witnesses they put in the stand made the case for self defense for GZ rather then making the case against him.
Boz that was a low blow, speaking about the dead in that matter. I really feel like the race issue is overbearing. I live in Chicago so many innocent babies are dying by the hands of their own race. Which is more horrible. The prosecutors did not present their case well. If Zimmerman did intentionally follow and kill him, it will catch up to him.
franklyn rodriguez so what you are saying is that treyvon didnt play a role in his demise. he was just munching on skittles trying to get home? treyvon had an equally checkered past. if he would of refrained from dribbling zimmermans head on the sidewalk he'd still be breathing.
Garrett, in one way your right, Trayvon should had ran home and whatever Zimmerman was saying to him he should had been the bigger person and kept walking, that way Zimmerman could had kept his gun to himself. Then as you say he would still be breathing. So why did Trayvon dribble Zimmerman's head, did you say Trayvon had a gun too? Did the 911 operator tell Zimmerman to not follow Trayvon? The prosecution did not prove the case as well as they thought. That's why he is a free man.
Sharonda Newcombe I heard zimmerman turned around and treyvon attacked. I don't think that it was zimmermans intent to kill treyvon. but when your head is being bashed on the sidewalk that changes things. anyone capable of that type of violence could very well go for your gun and use it on you. it was just a bad situation. I wish people could see both sides. zimmerman may have been a bit zealous but in the end it sounds like self defense to me. treyvon had a phone, why not call the cops himself?
I agree, color played no role in this for me. you know as well as I do that if a black man shot treyvon we probably would of never heard about it. the race pimps are trying to spark a race war.
YES!!! As I said before I live in Chicago, a child dies everyday by the hands of their own race. There is never justice for them. And these are babies, a sad world we live in.
Race does seem to play a role even if it is subconscious. Zimmerman jury was made up of five white women and one minority. He gets off and people of the same race as the "victim" are outraged. For the OJ Simpson jury they were 9 black jurors and he gets off and people of the same race as the "victim" are outraged. Race can be a factor even if we don't realize it and it goes both ways.
Do I think Zimmerman should have been convicted of something? Yes, He initiated the confrontation by not following the directions of the 911 operator. Also the neighborhood watch was not supposed to even carry guns so he broke that rule. He may have turned around but Martin may have felt that he was still in danger and attacked. I know plenty of people who would have done the same thing as Trayvon when they were 17, regardless of their race. Both of them could have done things differently but without any witnesses besides the accused and no clear cut evidence to disprove his version of the story I could see why the jury would make this decision.
We continue to hear stories of people spending years in prison and finding out later they were innocent so if you are not completely convinced that someone is guilty would you want to send them to prison for years and possibly life?
Lot of bad moves were made by both Zimmerman and Martin that night. Problem is this story got so much attention, and there was so much outrage that prosecution felt pressure to make a case for murder, which was shakey at best, when they should have gone for a charge of manslaughter, which they had a much better chance of proving.
Well, Boz Bundalo, I'm sure Zimmerman knew all those alleged things when he killed the kid. And while Treyvon might have been taller than Geroge, Zimmerman was older and armed.
The facts are simple: he called 911 when he saw a "suspicious" character. He was told not to follow the kid. He was armed. He followed from a vehicle and then stepped out of that vehicle to confront the kid.
Who started the physical altercation and who didn't is up for debate since there were conflicting views and Treyvon wasn't alive to defend himself in court.
Treyvon's character should not have been brought up at all. Past crimes or delinquency was not a factor because there was no way for Zimmerman to know about them.
What matters is Treyvon was walking through a neighborhood alone. Zimmerman is a paranoid asshat who went looking for a fight.After starting a confrontation he felt he was losing the fight and escalated with a bullet.
A boy had to die so Zimmerman could feel like a man who didn't lose a fight he started.
Jason ON First of all you lose any argument when you immediately put "he went out of the car to confront him".. because that's pure speculation and the evidence actually shows he went out of the truck to see where this suspicious kid was running to not to "confront" him.. and then stopped moving when the dispatcher says "We don't need you to do that sir".. He was advised that he didn't have to follow him and by audio we all listened to many times you can clearly hear that Zimmerman stops running.
The fact that he had a gun is irrelevant.. he had a gun because of the dogs.. If you actually bother to examine facts you would know that.. he also bought a gun for his wife. He could have had a knife and stabbed Trayvon in the heart.. it wouldn't matter.. it would still be self defense.. so the weapon used is really irrelevant. It's actually relevant to those who want to see guns banned. I'm not a gun nut at all, I'm all for more control, but this is absurd.
Trayvon's character IS VERY important.. it is important because it shows this kid as aggressive, criminal (thug like behavior), he was clearly a racist too being agitated by some creepy white ass cracka following him (which is btw PERFECTLY LEGAL - following/going in the same direction as someone).
People like you, the lynch mob, don't really deal with facts.. you use conjecture, some imaginary whatif scenarios to frame the picture you want to see and not reality.
You know what's NOT LEGAL.. It's not legal that instead of going home 300 feet away, you turn back, you lash out at someone, you beat his head in and start pounding it on the ground while that someone is screaming help.. which are absolutely 100% facts in this case..
So yes.. this is 100% self defense case regardless of the tragic fact that
A) This kid was 17 B) He was black
Neither really matter and liberal media like MSNBC, Al Sharpton, Trayvon's parents and their lawyer created this outrage of racial profiling when there was none..
Evidence, and facts and testimonials show (if the idiots who spread this garbage about Zimmerman to paint him as monster) bothered to even look so they don't look like idiots in the end, they would have seen that Zimmerman was ANTI-RACIST.. He was mentoring black kids, he was religious and helping with church, he dated a black girl and took her to a prom etc etc..
To go and continue saying how this is a civil rights case and the reason Trayvon died was because of a racist cop wannabe is not only disingenous it's completely retarded and whoever continue to spread this is a complete imbecile and tool for those who actually benefit from creating this lynch mob.
This was a tragic incident that could have been easily avoided if Trayvon didn't want to teach this crazy ass cracka a lesson and beat his head in and used those 4 minutes he was circling Zimmerman to actually go home which was 300 feet away.
And Boz Bundalo, you lose any credibility when you state "Neither really matter and liberal media..."
Did George Zimmerman stay in his home or leave his home after being told, by the dispatch, not to? Did George Zimmerman leave the safety of his vehicle to follow the kid? Did George Zimmerman bring a gun to a Skittles fight?
Did an adult with a penchant for being the neighborhood busy-body, without authorization or authority, follow and confront Martin? You say no, I say yes.
The truth is you weren't there. Neither was I. Like all cowards, Zimmerman picked a fight and when he lost he pulled out a gun and upped the ante. You'll dispute this because you'll say Martin was a criminal and deserved his fate. Was Martin doing anything criminal that day?
No. And Zimmerman isn't a cop. He's not security, he's not even a mall cop.
The facts, that you are so inclined to wave around, are indisputable. Who treavon Martin was every other day of his life didn't matter because all Zimmernan could have known was: (1) an unknown person was walking through his neighborhood; (2) he couldn't have known Martin's past, his history or his social circles -- he could only have known what he knew on that one day for that hour, or so.
You're basing your entire opinion on the fact that George Zimmerman was the only person whose story was told. Treyvon didn't get that chance. Had Zimmerman not been a coward and shot a kid, then he would have -- according to him -- had a case of assault against him. Instead he shot a kid. His interviews on Fox News and his interviews with the police conflicted, his story changed with each telling. People who are innocent don't go into hiding, but Zimmerman did.
Everything this man has done in his life speaks of the coward he is.
I've confronted people who I thought were following me and no one was shot. I've also been threatened to be shot -- in Florida -- when someone perceived I cut in line in front of him at an autoparts store. No one was shot then, either.
What this case did was show everyone that a gun fight will get you a free pass as long as the other person is dead and a fist fight is a waste of time.
Luckily, George Zimmerman's life is over. He'll never live in peace; he'll never have a good job and his reputation is destroyed.
I was just waiting for the "liberal" card to be dropped. Glad Zimmerman has his fan club. He can be a poster boy for the NRA. Maybe that'll pay the bills. He'll get a settlement from his newly filed lawsuit against NBC but the Martin family is going to get their judgement in the wrongful death case. Maybe the Zimmerman's can take in Casey Anthony and they can all live happily ever after.
Sharonda Newcombe I know I sounded like insensitive prick.. but believe me.. I'm not at all happy that the kid is dead.. I'm deeply saddened by it. But what I'm also infuriated by is the lynching that is happening right now. Let me try to explain so you can get a better idea of what I'm talking about.
And I understand that there are racial issues in this country.. I absolutely do.. there is racial profiling left and right.
But people have to be objective. This case alone shows that in fact, Trayvon actually was almost at his father's home..
If you hear the audio tapes, the dispatcher call, you will hear that Trayvon actually ran away from Zimmerman.. Zimmerman lost him.
You can hear that Zimmerman actually stopped while still on the phone with dispatcher.. he's not breathing heavily, he's not running.. he's either moving very slowly or standing in place.
These are facts.. I understand it hurts a lot of black folks that Trayvon (who was actually a good looking kid) was killed and that this has to be tied into this racial undertones present in America today, but you just have to be objective and see this case for what it really is.. an accident.. a bad judgment by Trayvon.. he managed to beat up Zimmerman and Zimmerman got scared or he felt Trayvon would spill his brain (even though blows might have not been even that hard) and after screaming and asking for help Zimmerman took out the gun and shut him..
It's terrible.. yes.. Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman will be a scarred man for life because he seems to be a decent person with heart. He was helping members of his community previously. They liked him.. he was trying to help that mother with her child after their break ins.. I really dont' believe Zimmerman was a monster. Facts just don't support it.
But here's my point for you.. Believe it or not I am a hard liberal/lefty.. but this lynching thing on Zimmerman has made me sick and not because of emotions.. I understand emotions.. but the lynching campaign that NBC/MSNBC and others have done. I expected these guys to adhere to a higher standard.. to be truthful..
They haven't been.. they doctored initial calls to sound like this was about race.. it really wasn't. It's not that the legal system doesn't want to get Zimmerman on race, it's because this wasn't racial at all..
At worst it might have been criminal profiling because someone just like Trayvon was robbing those houses 8 times previously.. so when someone sees a late teen who is dressed like these other punks you are suspicious..
I'm sure you do that as well sometimes.. if you knew descriptions of the assailants in one area of your community and it was a white guy with a hoodie who was raping women, wouldn't you be profiling every white guy with a hoodie who was even remotely suspicious to you? Be honest here.
So yes, George saw Trayvon, he thought he was suspicious, he called the cops, he parked his car, Trayvon saw him for the second time and noticed that Zimmerman was looking at him.. I'm sure he was weirded out and creeped out but there is nothing illegal there..
Zimmerman got instructions from the dispatcher that were not really clear.. The dispatcher (again if you listen to the call) told Zimmerman to track and tell the dispatcher where the suspicious person was going.
Zimmerman took that to mean to get out when he saw Trayvon running because he lost sights of him.
When the dispatcher heard that Zimmerman was out of the car, he told him that he doesn't need to follow Trayvon and Zimmerman complied and you can clearly hear he stopped or slowed down and he lost Trayvon.
In the mean time, Trayvon being very close to his father's place, instead of going home, decided to go back and confront Zimmerman. Keep in mind, from the moment Zimmerman lost Trayvon he was still on the phone with the dispatcher explaining to him how cops will find him. So 4 minutes AFTER that, Trayvon appears and confrontation happens.
So this was very sad. Because Trayvon felt the need to confront Zimmerman instead of simply going into his house and never seeing Zimmerman again.
I mean if you really look at evidence and you don't go with emotions you will see that this is what happened.. This is why the verdict was not guilty.. it's the law and evidence was there.
Now I understand WHY you are upset.. it has really nothing to do with this case (I know that a 17 year old kid dying is emotional and tragic for everyone) but the real upset here is that incidents in this country happened where in FACT racial profiling was involved and innocent black men and women were killed and there was no justice.. And we need to work on laws and many others things to make sure that doesn't happen..
BUT.. this is not the case.. This case is a tragedy and fairly clear cut.. while we have missing details of the direct initial confrontation we have plenty of other evidence and circumstantial evidence that paints the picture for us. Nobody can be 100% sure or piece every single detail but we know A LOT.
So going out on the streets and seeking "JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON" when it's really "SEEKING JUSTICE FOR BLACK PEOPLE" is not really a positive thing to do and especially to try and lynch and sentence a man that reacted because he thought he was going to die.. and you can't really deny the fact that he was beaten up. Not to mention that this wasn't really about race, so raising racial profiling and race equality issue on this case is simply NOT GOOD for the overall fight.
I'm saying this because I think that if these protest and this whole mobbing thing about Zimmerman continues and the whole circus really continues it will actually DISCREDIT a lot of the genuine fight for civil rights, racial equality and freedom. Those who fight to keep it as it is will have fuel to say (well they are just making this up, here look at this case - had nothing to do with race and everybody falsly rallied outside and protested).
It is setting us back decades for pursuing something that's not really a racial issue while other cases pass by that were..
I'm hoping you will understand what I"m saying here and think about it.
So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?
What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and, therefore, turns them off for each new post? Keep in mind, this is supposed to be "social" media.
The whole "young innocent Trayvon was 17 and was eating skittles and now he's gone" is complete bullshit.
This little innocent kid was dealing drugs, beating up bus drivers, owned multiple guns, wore gold teeth and was caught stealing stuff (though it was never admitted because they couldn't find where he stole it from).. Clearly a very aggressive kid (also quite a bit taller than Zimmerman) who decided on that night after spotting a neighborhood watch individual who lived in the community was watching him, instead of going home that was like 300 feet away, he would actually circle around ZImmerman and pummel his head in.
Not sure wtf you are talking about. And let's stop with racist bullshit as that is not what was the case here.. judge specifically forbid this case to be presented as racial issue because evidence clearly shows it wasn't.
And you can foam on your mouth as much as you want about injustice and he was 17 because that doesn't mean shit when that 17 year old kid attacks you and tried to smash your head in..
Wtf is wrong with you people. There is a racism issue in this country..and while yes, some black people are on the nasty side of it, blacks can be just as racist and disgusting towards other groups (including whites)..
If anyone was a racist that night it was Trayvon with his creepy ass cracka comments.
They failed quite miserably, actually. Most witnesses they put in the stand made the case for self defense for GZ rather then making the case against him.
Do I think Zimmerman should have been convicted of something? Yes, He initiated the confrontation by not following the directions of the 911 operator. Also the neighborhood watch was not supposed to even carry guns so he broke that rule. He may have turned around but Martin may have felt that he was still in danger and attacked. I know plenty of people who would have done the same thing as Trayvon when they were 17, regardless of their race. Both of them could have done things differently but without any witnesses besides the accused and no clear cut evidence to disprove his version of the story I could see why the jury would make this decision.
We continue to hear stories of people spending years in prison and finding out later they were innocent so if you are not completely convinced that someone is guilty would you want to send them to prison for years and possibly life?
The facts are simple: he called 911 when he saw a "suspicious" character. He was told not to follow the kid. He was armed. He followed from a vehicle and then stepped out of that vehicle to confront the kid.
Who started the physical altercation and who didn't is up for debate since there were conflicting views and Treyvon wasn't alive to defend himself in court.
Treyvon's character should not have been brought up at all. Past crimes or delinquency was not a factor because there was no way for Zimmerman to know about them.
What matters is Treyvon was walking through a neighborhood alone. Zimmerman is a paranoid asshat who went looking for a fight.After starting a confrontation he felt he was losing the fight and escalated with a bullet.
A boy had to die so Zimmerman could feel like a man who didn't lose a fight he started.
The fact that he had a gun is irrelevant.. he had a gun because of the dogs.. If you actually bother to examine facts you would know that.. he also bought a gun for his wife. He could have had a knife and stabbed Trayvon in the heart.. it wouldn't matter.. it would still be self defense.. so the weapon used is really irrelevant. It's actually relevant to those who want to see guns banned. I'm not a gun nut at all, I'm all for more control, but this is absurd.
Trayvon's character IS VERY important.. it is important because it shows this kid as aggressive, criminal (thug like behavior), he was clearly a racist too being agitated by some creepy white ass cracka following him (which is btw PERFECTLY LEGAL - following/going in the same direction as someone).
People like you, the lynch mob, don't really deal with facts.. you use conjecture, some imaginary whatif scenarios to frame the picture you want to see and not reality.
You know what's NOT LEGAL.. It's not legal that instead of going home 300 feet away, you turn back, you lash out at someone, you beat his head in and start pounding it on the ground while that someone is screaming help.. which are absolutely 100% facts in this case..
So yes.. this is 100% self defense case regardless of the tragic fact that
A) This kid was 17
B) He was black
Neither really matter and liberal media like MSNBC, Al Sharpton, Trayvon's parents and their lawyer created this outrage of racial profiling when there was none..
Evidence, and facts and testimonials show (if the idiots who spread this garbage about Zimmerman to paint him as monster) bothered to even look so they don't look like idiots in the end, they would have seen that Zimmerman was ANTI-RACIST.. He was mentoring black kids, he was religious and helping with church, he dated a black girl and took her to a prom etc etc..
To go and continue saying how this is a civil rights case and the reason Trayvon died was because of a racist cop wannabe is not only disingenous it's completely retarded and whoever continue to spread this is a complete imbecile and tool for those who actually benefit from creating this lynch mob.
This was a tragic incident that could have been easily avoided if Trayvon didn't want to teach this crazy ass cracka a lesson and beat his head in and used those 4 minutes he was circling Zimmerman to actually go home which was 300 feet away.
Did George Zimmerman stay in his home or leave his home after being told, by the dispatch, not to?
Did George Zimmerman leave the safety of his vehicle to follow the kid?
Did George Zimmerman bring a gun to a Skittles fight?
Did an adult with a penchant for being the neighborhood busy-body, without authorization or authority, follow and confront Martin? You say no, I say yes.
The truth is you weren't there. Neither was I. Like all cowards, Zimmerman picked a fight and when he lost he pulled out a gun and upped the ante. You'll dispute this because you'll say Martin was a criminal and deserved his fate. Was Martin doing anything criminal that day?
No. And Zimmerman isn't a cop. He's not security, he's not even a mall cop.
The facts, that you are so inclined to wave around, are indisputable. Who treavon Martin was every other day of his life didn't matter because all Zimmernan could have known was: (1) an unknown person was walking through his neighborhood; (2) he couldn't have known Martin's past, his history or his social circles -- he could only have known what he knew on that one day for that hour, or so.
You're basing your entire opinion on the fact that George Zimmerman was the only person whose story was told. Treyvon didn't get that chance. Had Zimmerman not been a coward and shot a kid, then he would have -- according to him -- had a case of assault against him. Instead he shot a kid. His interviews on Fox News and his interviews with the police conflicted, his story changed with each telling. People who are innocent don't go into hiding, but Zimmerman did.
Everything this man has done in his life speaks of the coward he is.
I've confronted people who I thought were following me and no one was shot. I've also been threatened to be shot -- in Florida -- when someone perceived I cut in line in front of him at an autoparts store. No one was shot then, either.
What this case did was show everyone that a gun fight will get you a free pass as long as the other person is dead and a fist fight is a waste of time.
Luckily, George Zimmerman's life is over. He'll never live in peace; he'll never have a good job and his reputation is destroyed.
Glad Zimmerman has his fan club. He can be a poster boy for the NRA. Maybe that'll pay the bills. He'll get a settlement from his newly filed lawsuit against NBC but the Martin family is going to get their judgement in the wrongful death case.
Maybe the Zimmerman's can take in Casey Anthony and they can all live happily ever after.
And I understand that there are racial issues in this country.. I absolutely do.. there is racial profiling left and right.
But people have to be objective. This case alone shows that in fact, Trayvon actually was almost at his father's home..
If you hear the audio tapes, the dispatcher call, you will hear that Trayvon actually ran away from Zimmerman.. Zimmerman lost him.
You can hear that Zimmerman actually stopped while still on the phone with dispatcher.. he's not breathing heavily, he's not running.. he's either moving very slowly or standing in place.
These are facts.. I understand it hurts a lot of black folks that Trayvon (who was actually a good looking kid) was killed and that this has to be tied into this racial undertones present in America today, but you just have to be objective and see this case for what it really is.. an accident.. a bad judgment by Trayvon.. he managed to beat up Zimmerman and Zimmerman got scared or he felt Trayvon would spill his brain (even though blows might have not been even that hard) and after screaming and asking for help Zimmerman took out the gun and shut him..
It's terrible.. yes.. Trayvon is dead and
Zimmerman will be a scarred man for life because he seems to be a decent person with heart. He was helping members of his community previously. They liked him.. he was trying to help that mother with her child after their break ins.. I really dont' believe Zimmerman was a monster. Facts just don't support it.
But here's my point for you.. Believe it or not I am a hard liberal/lefty.. but this lynching thing on Zimmerman has made me sick and not because of emotions.. I understand emotions.. but the lynching campaign that NBC/MSNBC and others have done. I expected these guys to adhere to a higher standard.. to be truthful..
They haven't been.. they doctored initial calls to sound like this was about race.. it really wasn't. It's not that the legal system doesn't want to get Zimmerman on race, it's because this wasn't racial at all..
At worst it might have been criminal profiling because someone just like Trayvon was robbing those houses 8 times previously.. so when someone sees a late teen who is dressed like these other punks you are suspicious..
I'm sure you do that as well sometimes.. if you knew descriptions of the assailants in one area of your community and it was a white guy with a hoodie who was raping women, wouldn't you be profiling every white guy with a hoodie who was even remotely suspicious to you? Be honest here.
So yes, George saw Trayvon, he thought he was suspicious, he called the cops, he parked his car, Trayvon saw him for the second time and noticed that Zimmerman was looking at him.. I'm sure he was weirded out and creeped out but there is nothing illegal there..
Zimmerman got instructions from the dispatcher that were not really clear.. The dispatcher (again if you listen to the call) told Zimmerman to track and tell the dispatcher where the suspicious person was going.
Zimmerman took that to mean to get out when he saw Trayvon running because he lost sights of him.
When the dispatcher heard that Zimmerman was out of the car, he told him that he doesn't need to follow Trayvon and Zimmerman complied and you can clearly hear he stopped or slowed down and he lost Trayvon.
So this was very sad. Because Trayvon felt the need to confront Zimmerman instead of simply going into his house and never seeing Zimmerman again.
I mean if you really look at evidence and you don't go with emotions you will see that this is what happened.. This is why the verdict was not guilty.. it's the law and evidence was there.
Now I understand WHY you are upset.. it has really nothing to do with this case (I know that a 17 year old kid dying is emotional and tragic for everyone) but the real upset here is that incidents in this country happened where in FACT racial profiling was involved and innocent black men and women were killed and there was no justice.. And we need to work on laws and many others things to make sure that doesn't happen..
BUT.. this is not the case.. This case is a tragedy and fairly clear cut.. while we have missing details of the direct initial confrontation we have plenty of other evidence and circumstantial evidence that paints the picture for us. Nobody can be 100% sure or piece every single detail but we know A LOT.
So going out on the streets and seeking "JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON" when it's really "SEEKING JUSTICE FOR BLACK PEOPLE" is not really a positive thing to do and especially to try and lynch and sentence a man that reacted because he thought he was going to die.. and you can't really deny the fact that he was beaten up. Not to mention that this wasn't really about race, so raising racial profiling and race equality issue on this case is simply NOT GOOD for the overall fight.
I'm saying this because I think that if these protest and this whole mobbing thing about Zimmerman continues and the whole circus really continues it will actually DISCREDIT a lot of the genuine fight for civil rights, racial equality and freedom. Those who fight to keep it as it is will have fuel to say (well they are just making this up, here look at this case - had nothing to do with race and everybody falsly rallied outside and protested).
It is setting us back decades for pursuing something that's not really a racial issue while other cases pass by that were..
I'm hoping you will understand what I"m saying here and think about it.