Do you think political office should go to the highest bidder?

Do you think political office should go to the highest bidder?

Originally shared by Steve Pirk

The threat to good government is existential -- yet the candidates are barely talking about it. We can change that by making sure big money in politics and the need for a Constitutional Amendment to fix the problem is a central topic in the first presidential debate.

PBS’s Jim Lehrer will moderate the debate -- and his staff told Avaaz that if we petition for him to ask a question on this issue, they'll present it to him this Friday, along with how many people signed. So let's build a massive call -- sign below and share with everyone you know:


Jason Odell said…
Let me check my bank account...ok, nope.
Rick Plavnicky said…
Well, no, but at least it would acknowledge the reality of the process.

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