It's the End of the World (as We Know It)
I'm not the healthiest person in the world. I eat what I want, but try and keep red meats to a minimum. I love cookies! I don't eat a lot in one sitting most of the time, preferring to graze throughout the day over gorging, but there are days like the other day where pizza was in the house and I "grazed" on slices throughout the day.
My younger brother is 35. I asked him the other day if he ever thinks about the same mortality rate for men on our mother's side of the family and he said yes. My brother is a R.N. Anaesthatist and gave me some speech about eating right, exercising, cutting down on the drinking (which I rarely do anymore anyway) and smoking (which I've never done). Ironically, he's a heavy eater, heavy drinker and admitted to me once he occasionally smokes.
Anywho, I found this little survey on the interwebz and while I won't live forever, looks like I'll live fairly long: at least another 37 years. Maybe it's time to think long term.
That all being said, I did get to finish The Wheel of Time, so one goal down. There are a few others, like A Song of Ice and Fire that I'd like to finish, too. I'd also like to see Peter Parker become Spider-Man again and as long as I don't leave any dog's without homes, I'll be alright.