Awe crap! I'm a crazy in the making!

Awe crap! I'm a crazy in the making!


Adam Simmons said…
Well how about having a Facebook account but live on Google+? LOL
I spent several years online posting (mostly) under the pseudonym "Ontario Emperor." I used this pseudonym on Yahoo, Blogger, MySpace, Twitter, FriendFeed, and several other online properties. It wasn't until I made a decision to start posting under my real name that I signed up for Facebook.

(For the record, this was several years before Google+ instituted its original real names policy.)
Tor Ivan Boine said…
Guess they don't know of Breivik
Jason ON said…
Breivik? I don't know of that.
Tor Ivan Boine said…
He just killed 77 people last year. He had a Facebook profile.
Tor Ivan Boine said…
But I guess your post about this was on the humorous side. 

Not having a facebook-profile nowadays may seem as abnormal. So it´s easy to label non-facebookers as deviants hehe :p
Jason ON said…
Yeah, it was on the humorous side.

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