I can't stop laughing. You have to click through and watch the video. Well, read the video.

I can't stop laughing. You have to click through and watch the video. Well, read the video.


Tony David said…
Been there, done that... 8)
Tony David said…
Another occasion i ordered some drinks at the bar. The guy just looked at me but didn't respond. I was a bit aggrevated and ordered again. No reaction. Took me 2 more attempts before I realised I was talking to the mirror behind the bar... Alcohol can do strange things :)
Jason ON said…
Damn! I can't say I've ever been that drunk.
Tony David said…
I could go on for a while with these I'm afraid. I had quite an unhealty relationship with alcohol in my early 20's.
Olaf Fichtner said…
Well, that happens during September...

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