That is just the rant of an illiterate bigot who can't read for himself and just reposts what his "betters" tell him to and Jason ON is just about the same glib ass illiterate fool.
Lorne Thomas what shocks me isn't the content of the post, it's the toxicity of your response to another person's view, which you don't have to agree with and Jason ON who just shared it - a post which you could have skipped.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself what kind of person hurls unfounded abuse at strangers behind the anonymity of a mask and social media engagement.
su ann lim, thank you. Lorne is nothing but a toxic commentor who believes everyone he doesn't agree with (which happens to be everyone) is stupid, imbecilic or illiterate.
su ann lim what shocks me is your acceptance of bigotry and hatred along with your own glib understanding of the topic allied to your pathetic attempt to take the moral high ground. But at least you are white knighting the right kind of idiot, Jason believes everything that his masters tell him when he reads the talking points memos and secretly wishes that one day George Soros will talk to him directly.
Lorne Thomas Again you illustrate my point. I'll never deny you your right to have an opinion because of my values. However, it is funny to be accused of bigotry and hatred given my personal life experiences from the violence from both. Because of the colour of my skin, I barely escaped being slaughtered by extremists but witnessed things you wouldn't even see in a movie. My best friend didn't and died a horrible death. My family fled our beloved country so that we could live, but then came across racism in our new home, one example - got smacked about with a 2x4 because of the colour of my skin. Oh BTW I was 10 years old at the time. If you bothered to get to know me instead of slinging ugly words I've got a lot of relevant things to say on the topic, not only what it looks like at is worse but the journey of recovery for individuals and societies..
Lorne Thomas regardless of your position, the fact that you can only respond with short loaded phrases propagated widely by others, albeit with passion, is itself a tangible indicator of how serious the situation is in the US.
Lorne Thomas hey, arsehole, this wasn't fake news. Google "War Hero Chris Herbert" - lost leg in roadside bomb in Basra 2007 and this was his post on Facebook a couple of years ago.
Antony Warren funny you should say that, I guess you are self diagnosing and ignorant of current events. You still fail. You are a failure. Call your mom, she will tell you that you are special.
Antony Warren Talk about diverting the question, and I am a Sanders supporter you simple minded bigot. You just lost any argument you might think you are trying to make. Congratulations, no go call mommy and as her if you are special.
Antony Warren go ahead and keep on proving that you are a small minded bigot. In some ancient cultures, when one failed as bad as you, one's honor became something to defend. There is no shame in being honorable and doing the honorable thing.
So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?
What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and, therefore, turns them off for each new post? Keep in mind, this is supposed to be "social" media.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself what kind of person hurls unfounded abuse at strangers behind the anonymity of a mask and social media engagement.
A) Not answer the question.
B) Divert by claiming I don't know what I'm talking about.
C) Try to provoke emotional response by mentioning my mother.
In some ancient cultures, when one failed as bad as you, one's honor became something to defend. There is no shame in being honorable and doing the honorable thing.