Responsible gun owner for the win.

Responsible gun owner for the win.

Originally shared by ****

Excellent!  I hope the homeowner is given a medal.

"Investigators have not yet released many details about the shooting, but the homeowner’s wife, who did not wish to be identified, told local media that the suspects broke into their house, not realizing her husband was home. After breaking in, the teens killed the family’s dog. Then, at some point, they met the homeowner, who opened fire and struck the two teens. Both suspects fled the scene, but neither got very far."


Craig Froehle said…
Racist comments already on the news site. :-(

I suspect a baseball bat would've sufficed as well for defense, though. It's Louisville, after all.
Lily Alice said…
That's roughly 2 miles from my mother in-law's house, across the Watterson Expy. She is 90. She had break-ins and now has a camera system that streams to my brother in-law's computer. It was once a very quiet neighborhood.

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