...but there's no mention of the #cat.

...but there's no mention of the #cat.


Originally shared by Dr. Marty Becker

Good job, Queenie!


Had to see which roads she was on. Best I can tell, she made a series of wrong turns. If it was dark I could understand why. She should have never left the paved highway. As far as I can see, she tried to make it to Young, AZ, it's a dirt road, 30 miles to Young. But its the turn on to a forest service road I don't understand. The only road she could have taken towards Canyon Creek, is barely maintained. An it's nearly nine miles to Canyon Creek. She's very lucky, the area she was walking in is full of bears an mountain lions. All very hungry this time of year.
Jason ON said…
That's probably what happened to the cat.
Scott Reiboldt said…
The Cat was riding the dog.
She's a local resident...saw a few stories of the aftermath a day or three later.

Cat was left in the car when she left it and began her trek.  Sadly, mistake #1 was she was really headed for a child's residence about 80-odd miles from where she began this.

So, even locals can get lost really easy out here in these parts of the cactus patch.
"...Rodgers left her home in Tucson bound for her daughter’s home in Phoenix, four days since she took a “waaaay wrong turn” and ran out of gas, four days since she last saw another human being."

Sixty miles away from her intended destination.

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