Would you pay to be Google ad free on your website?

Would you pay to be Google ad free on your website? Your ads, the ones you sold, would still show up, but the ads AdSense displays would vanish, presumably, making your ads stuck out more.

Of, thanks to Google and Facebook, have we trained our minds to skim over ads, treating them like irrelevant data?

To be fair, I think Google would do better to sell and AdBlock type service that strips ads from the internet for the general public rather than selling a service that strips ads from your own website. But hey, that's me.


Nate Taylor said…
Wait. So I can pay google to strip competing ads from my site and only show ads for my site on my site? Wtaf?! If I had a problem with competing ads on my site I would get rid of ads all together. What good does it do to advertise myself on my site.
Jason ON said…
Exactly, Nate Taylor​.

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