You hear - or, in my case, read - all the crazy coming from #DonaldTrump and you just think it's Trump being Trump.

You hear - or, in my case, read - all the crazy coming from #DonaldTrump and you just think it's Trump being Trump. But then you stop and really pay attention and start to see how mentally unstable he sounds. Making up "facts", pushing fictions and revisiting past narratives that have been proven counter to his claims.

The highly ironic part of this is this man values his name and what it represents more than anything and he's turning his legacy into the butt of so many jokes. He'll never be seen as a good president or a strong leader but as an infantile reality TV star who couldn't cope with the stress of a job he applied for.


Roberto Bayardo said…
He's always been a giant goofball but it's hard not to suspect there's something more going on to influence his recent behavior, such as age-related cognitive decline or mental illness of some sort (beyond his already well-known malignant narcissism).
su ann lim said…
What's terrifying are the number of people who think whatever comes out of his mouth or communicated via his tweets is reality!!!
michel prins said…
did they test him on drugs abuse looks to me like a coke or speed addict.
Bob Lai said…
And this is the man with his finger on the button.

Not just with North Korea, but with Iran.

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