Even in you're not in Connecticut this is a good idea.
Even in you're not in Connecticut this is a good idea.
Originally shared by ****
The state of Connecticut was on the eve of a historic vote. With 90% of Connecticut residents in favor of GMO labeling, pre-vote tallies indicating that a bi-partisan majority of legislators were in favor of the bill, and an unprecedented awareness of GMOs in CT, everything seemed to be falling into place for CT HB 5117, An Act Concerning Genetically Engineered Food.
Unfortunately, in a devastating turn of events, before the bill had a chance to make it to the floor for debate and a vote, in a closed door meeting, Governor Malloy and his attorneys interfered in the legislative process by removing Section 2 of the bill. Section 2 was the heart of the bill, the section that called for mandatory labeling of all products produced with the process of genetic engineering, leaving HB 5117 meaningless. Governor Malloy chose to put the interests of the monstrous biotech industry in front of the rights of the people of Connecticut.
The Governor has yet to make a statement about his actions, but individuals within the administration indicated that the reason for removing Section 2 from the bill was because of concerns that the bill put CT at risk for being sued based on the outlandish and outdated concept that GMO labeling would be unconstitutional and violate the merchants' right to remain silent and not disclose what products contain GMOs.
While it is yet to be determined whether governor Malloy is afraid of the biotech industry or actually in their pocket, one thing is clear, HB 5117 landed on the Governors desk because it was about to pass the CT House Legislature. Legislators and activists in the Right To Know CT campaign alike are outraged that they were robbed of due process.
DO NOT allow Governor Malloy to get away with this. This can happen in your state too!
Call, write, Facebook, and Twitter Governor Malloy to tell him we know what he did and we are demanding that he put our right to know in front of the interests of the biotech industry.
Phone - 860-566-4840 or 1-800-406-1527
e-mail - http://www.governor.ct.gov/malloy/cwp/view.asp?a=3998&q=479082
Twitter -@govmalloyoffice
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/GovMalloyOffice
Send a message to our government and the industry. STOP buying products with GMOs today. If our government is not going to protect us we need to protect ourselves. Go to www.nongmoshoppingguide.com to learn how to avoid GMOs.