i bought the 16g version before Xmas and it isn't bad. A bit bulky but does what I wanted (wanted a bigger screen than my nook for reading scanned in pdfs for my classes). I'm still not sold on the idea that android beats ios, but it is fine. My online classes do need flash for videos, so that might be handy and not available on Ipad. The full size ports could be useful, too.
Ironically, the Toshiba version of honeycomb does NOT play well with google+; that app is useless on my thrive tablet. I have to use the browser.
So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first? http://www.forbes.com/sites/evapereira/2012/10/19/minnesota-bans-free-online-education/
What do you do when someone you've had circled for years decides they no longer want comments on their posts and, therefore, turns them off for each new post? Keep in mind, this is supposed to be "social" media.
Ironically, the Toshiba version of honeycomb does NOT play well with google+; that app is useless on my thrive tablet. I have to use the browser.