I'm shutting down Google+ for the night and quite possibly for the weekend. Why? This stupid #gifwars thing people are so proud of. This Adam Black guy said he doesn't like gifs and now everyone is mass trolling him. Having been mass trolled like this I can relate to him easily enough. Have an opinion and the collective might of Google+'s lower class denizens jump on a bandwagon. I just saw a post where someone wanted to jump on board and had to get clarification she was tagging the proper Adam Black. She wasn't even connected to him ! Nor was she a part of the original discussion. She just wanted to follow the herd. When I called her out of it she claimed, "one gif doesn't make a troll." Perhaps not, but she's contributing to a larger troll effort. One straw doesn't break the camel's back, but thousands will. So, tonight, Google+ disgusts me. It probably will tomorrow as well. And possibly Sunday. I gave up Google+ for two months this spring
I just don't really have that level of minimalism as a desire anymore.
In a way it is more fun. No bathing concerns, a toothbrush and bottle of water and changea of socks and underwear for every other day.
Ride, sleep, or drink.
But I have more stuff I want to do now.
I like camping and I like motorcycling. I would like to do a weekend moto-camp trip now and then. So I'm going to make something like this for myself. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
When I travel with Ken, he has perfected the tent travel set up. Nice tall dome tent, queen air mattress, and two, zero degree sleeping bags that zip together. A must have even in the summer some times. I carry one sleeping bag on the back seat of my bike, and he carries the rest of that perfectly rolled inside a tarp and then into a duffel.