The End of the Year
I haven't written too much recently. The fault lies solely with me. Not that I haven't had the occasional burst of inspiration to jot some of my thoughts down, but because those bursts usually come when I'm nowhere near a computer, like when I'm out running errands or walking my dogs. One of the things I wish for the most is the ability to remember exactly how I word things in my head versus remembering just the gist of the point I was trying to get across. Yes, I have a smartphone, but typing long posts is a chore when you're on the go. Physical keyboards made it better than these virtual ones, but typing on a 5.5" device is so much slower and burdensome than typing on a proper keyboard. Even then, with the holidays and whatnot over the past few weeks, I haven't even fired up the computer every day. Yes, yes: bad Jason. On the contrary, I have been reading a lot. It's been nice not being distracted by a keyboard and monitor, to just sit with ...