While out walking the dogs today I caught this little rose stuck in a gutter. As you an see, my dog Rufus' feet are in the upper left hand corner of the picture. Just another reminder that a photo opportunity can be found nearly anywhere.
I really like
dichotomies and this opportunity brought forth a perfect chance to catch one in the wild. I also like those wild unplanned spur-of-the-moment catches with my camera. Those moments in time that are unique in themselves, where the right mix of action, location, lighting and circumstance are not easily recreated in a studio or by random collection of events.
The first image is straight out of the (Android) camera, or SOOC, and the second was edited with Snapseed for Android. I'm not real thrilled with the editing I performed in Snapseed, the rose's petals appear too light compared to the rest of the image. Maybe I'll rework it another day.