Rotten at the Core - Donald Trump

A little something in the same vein as the previous post:

“Russia, if you’re listening,” said Trump, looking directly into a television camera, “I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” — messages Clinton was reported to have deleted from her private email server.

No corruption here, folks. Move along.

In fact, #DonaldTrump's presidency has been racked with nothing but scandal and corruption. As it turns out, those in Trump's sphere of influence as systematically been arrested or, at the very least, charged with crimes. Those hoping to ride his coat tails to fame and fortune are instead being tossed in a paddy wagon and possibly prison.

All because a lying huckster reality TV buffoon wanted to win a popularity contest.

As with most of his endeavors, the USA will suffer irrecoverably from Trump's ministrations and yet so show he'll convince the morons on #TrumpNation that it's everyone else's fault.


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