Humanity at it's worst
Very little pisses me off as much as cruelty to animals, especially animals that share a symbiotic and trusting relationship with humanity. Unfortunately, we see a lot of this sort of behavior whether it comes in the form of puppy mills, beatings, skinnings or, in the story of Gandolph the Spitz.
Blinded and then left to roam the streets at only a few months old. Was this the work of someoen losing their home and setting the dog free as opposed to taking it to a shelter? Is the the work of kids or derelicts who found a puppy who had escaped from it's home or fenced yard? Is this the work of meth-heads and tweakers who found a puppy and thought it would be fun to torture it? Or maybe they're deranged people or a person who desperately wants to work in "enhanced interrogation" at Gitmo and this is his/their portfolio. Unfortunately, we don't know. It could very easily be any of the above.
Gandolph recently had surgery to remove his damaged eyes
Let's all remember Gandolph and hope he finds a good forever home with a family that will treat him with kindness that not only balances the scales but tips them towards the light.
I really do believe -- and want to continue believing -- that humanity isn't as bad as we pretend to be.
Blinded and then left to roam the streets at only a few months old. Was this the work of someoen losing their home and setting the dog free as opposed to taking it to a shelter? Is the the work of kids or derelicts who found a puppy who had escaped from it's home or fenced yard? Is this the work of meth-heads and tweakers who found a puppy and thought it would be fun to torture it? Or maybe they're deranged people or a person who desperately wants to work in "enhanced interrogation" at Gitmo and this is his/their portfolio. Unfortunately, we don't know. It could very easily be any of the above.
Gandolph recently had surgery to remove his damaged eyes
Let's all remember Gandolph and hope he finds a good forever home with a family that will treat him with kindness that not only balances the scales but tips them towards the light.
I really do believe -- and want to continue believing -- that humanity isn't as bad as we pretend to be.