Not content with dismantling #Obamacare, Paul Ryan his setting his sights on Medicare and Medicaid as well.

Not content with dismantling #Obamacare, Paul Ryan his setting his sights on Medicare and Medicaid as well.

But no one uses those, right?


Tabitha Root said…
Yeah Trump is being a piece of shit bitch because everybody that's on Medicare or just save old that can't work are going to suffer while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and we all suffer but they can still line their pockets piece of shit and that's Trump I would have rather had Obama for president another eight years then one day of trump and yes I voted for Obama sure as hell didn't vote for Trump I think his Russian buddies rigged the election really bad and I hope he gets impeached in his first year
Lee Sales said…
Improving. Moron 💩
Lee Sales said…
Tabitha Root you can ...move
California with Obama.
We don't like each other...
Divided is better...
Jason ON said…
Lee Sales​, and you can feel free to type in English, with proper grammar and punctuation if you so choose to continue commenting on my posts. Also, the next time you insult someone for no reason you'll be blocked. I'm all about free speech and slowing people to express themselves, but I do noncondone name calling or poop emojis. Both are childish and beneath, what one can assume, the dignity of a full sized adult.
Tabitha Root said…
You say you're all about free speech I had free speech you said name calling you called me a moron so it was the more on your name calling too so you both can Kobe butt Buddies Good cancel me I don't care so I say again Trump is a piece of shit and I didn't use emojis so glad block me you little bitches
Tabitha Root said…
So much for free speech and if I don't feel like using punctuation and grammar I don't have to I'm not in school anymore maybe you are you little pussy
Dallas King said…
Well now the piece of s just smacked you in the face. Now who's going to take care of the seniors and then work until you die
Jason ON said…
Tabitha Root are you and Lee Sales​ the same person and you forogt which account you were logged into?

Oh, an free speech is a guarantee by the Constitution, not me. I extend that courtesy to everyone, though, as I'm a a supporter in all the rights granted by that document. It doesn't mean I have to, it merely means I do so out of my own benevelonce.

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