So, I asked Andrew Tamm, who filled my Stream with a hundred (sarcasm there) animated gifs and cat pictures to...
So, I asked Andrew Tamm, who filled my Stream with a hundred (sarcasm there) animated gifs and cat pictures to remove me from whatever Circle he has me in where he posts the animated gifs and cat pictures. It was either that or unfollow him and I didn't see any reason to unfollow him.
Me asking <==edited to add the correct link
Then he plusses me onto Public posts of animated cat gifs:
Then one of his friends (or Circlers) starts plussing me into posts of animated cat gifs:
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about sarcasm and messing with people, but this seems sort of childish to me. Am I the only one who thinks so? So far I have only blocked people who have overtly spammed a thread or my stream but I'm seriously thinking about blocking him altogether (and his little dog too) due to this behavior.
Has anyone else run into this on Google+?
Me asking <==edited to add the correct link
Then he plusses me onto Public posts of animated cat gifs:
Then one of his friends (or Circlers) starts plussing me into posts of animated cat gifs:
Don't get me wrong, I'm all about sarcasm and messing with people, but this seems sort of childish to me. Am I the only one who thinks so? So far I have only blocked people who have overtly spammed a thread or my stream but I'm seriously thinking about blocking him altogether (and his little dog too) due to this behavior.
Has anyone else run into this on Google+?
Am I going to have to block everyone he's connected to?
We've already seen the maturity level of his friends so I can only guess how well this will go.
edit: looks like +jen wade's comment is no longer there. Is that because I blocked her?
Jen Wade I hate cat gifs but I am a known cat hater in general. :)
edit: +Jen Wade's comment is gone again. Not sure if it's because I blocked her.
edit: looks like +ben Mahon's posts aren't showing up anymore either. Is it because I blocked him, too?
A. Block him and remove him.
B. Move him to a different circle and view your stream without his specific circle added onto it.
C. Get the fuck over it you goddamn vagina.
Andrew Tamm is a nice chap, despite my attempt to kill him.
Me: (nicely, I think)
Jason ON - +Andrew Tamm, hey man, I don't give one iota of care about animated gifs, cat videos or whatever it is you insist on populating my stream with. I notice that you are posting to "limited" and therefore to some Circle you have me in. I would appreciate being taken out of that circle or I'm going to have to unfollow you. Thanks.
But yes, I took it public. I wanted other's opinions to weigh my reaction against and everyone who called me a name, verbally assaulted me or plussed me in animosity showed their true colors.
Hopefully Google will take notice. They probably won't delete accounts, but maybe it will be something to talk about at a staff community meeting. Maybe this will influence a future version of G+. Maybe there will be a block+troll in the blocking function. Maybe there will be nothing.
Popular bloggers and writers, people like Robert Scoble and Mike Elgan, might get a lot more trolling than I did today and they might get it much more often than I do, but they're popular people whose names and opinions might offend when not intending to. I'm not as popular as they are. I don't have tens of thousands of people hanging on my every word and I didn't do anything to be trolled other than asking to be removed from a Circle I didn't want to be in.
You can clearly see in my original post to Andrew that I did not want to uncircle him, but instead asked to me removed from whatever cat gif circle he had me in. I did not want to ignore him or block him, either. I just wanted the animated gifs to stop filling my stream. I wasn't offensive or rude (okay, maybe rude, depending on what tone of voice you read my comment in) but somehow his followers, even people I've been connected to since G+Day1 started spamming my stream with cat gifs. Heck, if you go over that first post I even say dog gifs would be better as an attempt to alleviate the tension.
I don't think I'm being unreasonable, Robin Steiger and in the future I may unblock some of those people but I can't imagine that future right now.
I don't know where it is off the top of my head, but there is a plugin (for chrome, i think) that will let you choose which circles to view instead of your stream in its entirety. In such an instance, you can arrange your circles how you want and not worry about content shared with you that you're not interested in viewing in your stream.
You're lucky that all you got were cat gifs. I have had to mute several gifs and pictures of a sexually explicit nature because I tend to do most of my G+ browsing at work. I otherwise don't mind them though, haha.
I know. I'm a pervert.
Next time, don't ask anyone anything. Just pull out the block feature and whack them with it.
I still don't like blocking people though. It's censorship and I'm against censorship.
I think it may have helped out, Luigi Buscemi!
Elizabeth Bathory - 1:44 PM - Limited
Good afternoon, +Jason ON . Are you ready to join the rest of the kids?
+Anthony Corbelli +Andrew Tamm +Francis Smith
- Comment
Daniel Levin - +Jason ON I heard you like horses. is that true?
1:46 PM +1
Daniel Levin - +Jason ON did you know it's +Roland Davis's birthday? You should should send him birthday wishes
1:48 PM +1
JP Chavez - +Jason ON don't be a +Jason ON
1:48 PM
Titus B. - nope ... my previous account was deleted due to pornography
If you go to this Elizabeth's profile you'll see she calls herself an internet troll and goon.
Natalie Villalobos , there MUST be a way to prevent this kind of "mention" harassment?