When people ask me if they can trust the "cloud" my answer is always s resounding No!

When people ask me if they can trust the "cloud" my answer is always s resounding No! For example, a friend of mine, a really nice guy I met here on the Ploos and had the pleasure of hanging out with in real life on a couple of occasions, runs a website management company. He bought a Chromebook for it's simplicity in managing his business. All of his actions, content, photos, etc. were managed from his one Google account. One day, without explaining themselves, Google sent him a violation of it's ToS to him and shut down his account crippling his ability to communicate with clients, manage his content or use and feature where that Gmail account was set up as the primary PoC, such as his Android device. He lost his entire digital presence for some unknown ToS violation. Like the people in this article he wasn't even given the ability to Takeout his data, either.

Can you trust the cloud? Do you trust that one day you won't be found to be in violation of ToS? Can you afford to lose your online identity because some giant corporation made a decision on your behalf?


Same happened to a friend of mine... It took a week until he was able to access his stuff again... :(

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