She said this isn't the biggest spider in her room.

She said this isn't the biggest spider in her room.

Um, no.

Originally shared by Lerato Majikfaerie

Spider browsing the web
I was just sitting minding my own business when a loud clatter on the keyboard startled me. This little guy clearly practising his ninja skills jumped from the ceiling and landed on my laptop with a thud. Not the biggest spider in my room, but clearly the most tech savvy.
Happy #SpiderSunday #Spider Spider Sunday​ curated by Lerato Majikfaerie​ and Kimberly Hosey​


The brown one looks angry. Cute though.
Wolf spider!! aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww!
It's not a wolf spider, it's an Australian huntsman
Oh Ok! It's a deadly one right!
Curtis Edenfield well it is Australia and #everythingistryingtokillyou but huntsmen are about the least deadly thing we have. They're very friendly and not dangerous to humans. But they do catch mice.

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