So, let me get this straight:

So, let me get this straight:

#Trump can mock the disabled and his supporters are okay with it. He can mock a Gold Star family, a PoW, call his opponents by childish names and so on and yet the Trumpeteers turn a blind eye. But, when someone pokes fun at the Trump family it crosses a line?

Are these the same people who stood by and said nothing while idiots referred to Obama as Obamao or Michelle Obama as an drag queen or ape with lipstick?


Bobby Ingram said…
Jason try to man up ! You and your PoliticoCorrection commies LOST,
You can keep defending the evil empire if You want but for the next 8 years I do not believe our children will witness 'twerking' on national TV during the super bowl.

Bobby Ingram
They are going to witness something much worse..and about damn time we let those people know straight up what we think. Hell. Maybe our kids will get really brave and slaughter all outsiders while they are still to young to be tried as adults. Yeah!

Putin loving Commie bastards
Right Bobby Ingram​​?
I'm sure if you tell your kids to start beating the shit out of anyone who doesn't look like us..we can probably get rid of all those creatures that God hates. Worthless no good non white animals. Can I get an Amen Brother Ingram?
Roberto Bayardo said…
Poor little trumptards need their safe spaces.
Roberto Bayardo
They also won't take responsibility for what they support.
Take a look at Bobby Ingram​.
Ex Bernie supporter that didn't care about Bernie or politics. Just a racists dumbass.
Bobby Ingram said…
J Stone Coward !!
Hiding behind a fake name and fake picture, You should be ashamed but I know you have cooked some weak ass reasons.
Bobby Ingram
Silly...I am not hiding behind a thing. Pay attention.
Bobby Ingram said…
You've been hiding behind that picture of the statue of liberty so long, You believe that's what you look like.
Sad J. very sad.
Bobby Ingram
You must be new. I only just changed it a few days ago.

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