#DonaldTrump is really going to have a bad day if the media truly turns on him, which I hope they do.

#DonaldTrump is really going to have a bad day if the media truly turns on him, which I hope they do. They helped give us this mess and if Trump is going to treat them this way they need to (be accurate) but take off the kid gloves and really come down on him and his administration.


Jason ON said…
Like all things #DonaldTrump there are two stories. One from anonymous media sources and one from a woman who's made her name denying and lying for Trump.

Who do you believe?
thehill.com - Aide: Trump didn't 'explode in anger' during media meeting
Lorne Thomas said…
You think that the media has not all ready turned on him? I think you need to come out of your tower and turn on the TV, read a newspaper or listen to the radio in your car. lol,

The media all ready has turned on Trump, they just were hoping to suck up to him for access and privilege but got both barrels of a but hurt inducing dressing down.
Jason ON said…
The media hasnt turned on him yet, they've only become more critical of him instead of patronizing.
Lorne Thomas said…
Jason ON you seem to have forgotten the election. The media is all ready at full stop and doesn't intend to relent. It's just too bad that the media is now just propaganda and idiots and fools fall in line to get the talking points. Mainstream media is no longer credible, they proved that with the election.

Let me ask you, which outlets were more unbiased and which ones were decidedly biased?
Jason ON said…
They're not the only idiots and fools, Lorne Thomas​. I'm fairly certain you're in there as well.

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