I can't believe Matt Damon and Liam Neeson would both sign up for a terrible movie.

I can't believe Matt Damon and Liam Neeson would both sign up for a terrible movie.



Oh god not another silver dream racer!
The IoM TT is a hell of an event... hopefully portrayed in a positive light with a great story.
No fact check please, they did NOT sign up for that movie.
Oh!! I can't WAIT for this !!!! 🚵🚵🚵🚵
Jason ON said…
Joerg Wenzel​ they didn't?

Turns out, at least Matt Damon is not. As of three hours ago:

Jason ON said…
James Schmittberger I have no idea what someone's personal gun beliefs have to do with (a) motorcycle riding, (b) motorcycle racing or (c) filming a movie about (a) or (b).
Jason ON don't know if it matters who is in the film, just that it tells the story well.

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