I'm not an engineer so can't attest to the veracity of this device in any rational way, but how cool is this?

I'm not an engineer so can't attest to the veracity of this device in any rational way, but how cool is this? Granted, no price point is given, but getting a little boost of power on those smaller engines? Yes, please.


Wallace Roberts said…
8.7 PSI of boost isn't going to rip your lips off, but it should produce a nice increase in power. 25%? Maybe in a smaller engine, I doubt that much in a larger one.
Jason ON said…
The article does say the largest engine they would suggest it on would be an 800cc.
Dan Dearman said…
It does seem like it would also have an upper rpm limit. But I'm not a CFD expert by any means
Gotta be BS. Need powerful compression to keep up with the motor
Sash Walker said…
Of all the tech things I do and don't understand, I know a helluvalot about superchargers and turbos. In my past life I was deeply involved in this realm, but in relation to cars.
The concept seems quite plausible to me, especially the reaction to forced cold air mixing with the exhaust creating more force. I'm not a mechanic or engineer either, but I remember this being a concept that was used in a Mustang bolt on years ago that was highly effective.
The biggest issue with any bolt on is the extra pressure it puts on the motor. This OFTEN creates stress that a bike is not designed to take. Most of the time this requires some machining and boring out of the cylinders. . .
But as I said, I can't speak to the specifics. I'm just vaguely familiar with the concepts. It seems to me that this can cause some serious damage to the engine if it isn't tuned properly.
Dan Dearman said…
So i did some quick napkin math today, a modest 10% power bump on a engine that is optimized for this component is feasible. And is in keeping with their business model of selling to the OEMs. Cam lift/duration would be as important as is where in the exhaust stream the output pulse is taken. So as a bolt on it wouldn't be anywhere near as effective as OE. Also in my math i found that at 4000 rpm this little guy would be buzzing at 33 to 34 hz (low D).
Dan Dearman said…
Jim Bartosevich my 2 cents here is that this wouldn't be an add on product, it'd be part of a clean sheet design. The 10% gain would be in relation to an engine of the same displacement. The additional power would be more of an emissions offset, since a forced induction engine requires a lower compression rate thus at idle and off boost engine cycles lower NOX emissions.

Did that answer your ?
Dan Dearman said…
Btw its only really effective for something like a 250 or 300cc so the optimal 10% hp bump from an otherwise identical engine comes out to 4 or 5 horsepower

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