If you don't participate in democracy, do you have the right to call yourself a democracy?

If you don't participate in democracy, do you have the right to call yourself a democracy?

Originally shared by ****

Well fuck.


J v S said…
Of course.
In a democracy you're allowed to vote. You are not forced to.
Dave Maez said…
Australia and the few other democracies that enforce compulsory voting, might disagree with you, Johann von Schadowitz.
J v S said…
Dave Maez Australia, the prison island?
Dave Maez said…
Johann von Schadowitz - I live in the nation that is incarcerating around 22% of the world's prisoners. I can't cast any aspersions on 'Straya.
Kenny Laidlaw said…
Maybe voting should be compulsory to vote, but also allow the option for Brewsters 'None of the above'.

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