If you've ever been outside and met people you've probably come across a woman like this.

If you've ever been outside and met people you've probably come across a woman like this. I don't mean someone who's loud and verbally abusive, but someone who's in complete denial about their behavior and who projects their own issues onto others to make themselves appear more sympathetic. If you watch the video you can witness her screaming at everyone as she tries repeatedly to play the victim.

And I guess, as I'm thinking about it now, you don't really need to go outside to find these people: they're all over social media, too.

Originally shared by Brian Harrod

VIDEO: Trump Voter Flips Out on Black Workers at Michaels

A woman shopping at a Michaels arts and crafts store in Chicago went on a tirade against two black employees after she was offered a $1 reusable bag at checkout, yelling at workers and employees for over 10 minutes.

The woman proclaimed herself a Donald Trump voter and said she was being racially discriminated against by a black store manager and another employee.

"Yes, I voted for Trump, so there. You want to kick me out because of that? And look who won," she declared at one point, even though no one but her was talking about the election.

She confronted a woman filming her meltdown and said, "Why don't you go home to your husband who's cheating on you."

"This woman [the cashier] screamed at me across the [expletive] store like an animal ... you're an animal ... I told you as the manager to reprimand ... Michael is going to hear about this first thing Friday morning."

Michaels founder Michael J. Dupey died in 2010.



ted kelly said…
I've been noticing (or maybe it's my imagination) that a lot of the trumpsters are just losing it lately. Like this one - just going wacko for no apparent reason.

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