Fast zombies or slow zombies?


Eric Merchant said…
Slow zombies adds to the trauma, since you get torn to pieces and embarrassed about the whole thing.
Jason ON said…
Most modern takes on zombies show them as being fast, at least as fast as the common man, but traditionally zombies have been slow moving.

Does it matter what kind of zombie? Are man-made virus zombies faster than their supernatural counterparts?

And which are scarier the masses of undead who can keep pace with you or the masses of undead who are slw and steady?
Jason ON said…
Chasing you or your loved ones, Scott Nuttall.
Eric Merchant said…
I'm a classics guy. I enjoyed 28 days later and the Dawn remake, but to me the Romero zombies are the standard, and their implacable shambling is what's terrifying. It's the "crush" moment towards the end that I find most compelling, maybe due to a bit of agoraphobia on my part...
Randal Lovelace said…
Yeah, don't matter - fast or slow - I've got a sword for them.
I think the true question is it the infected living or the raised from the dead. Like in 28 Days Later it was a virus that infected you but those already dead did not rise again. In that case they could be fast. If it is some type of chemical that can reanimate the dead then I would imagine those zombies would be slow. I guess that puts zombies into two categories, Infected (fast) or Living Dead (slow).

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