For the record, and I checked, Costco does not allow #opencarry in their warehouses.

For the record, and I checked, Costco does not allow #opencarry in their warehouses. Colorado is an open carry state and, as a gun owner, I'm okay with such policies. However, I believe anyone actively openly carrying is just looking for attention or for an excuse to draw. Especially in a store. To my right sat a Muslim family. The father was keeping a wary eye on this man while trying to simultaneously play with his children and talk with his wife. I also kept an eye on this man as this is a #TrumpNation now and I fully expected him to start mouthing off at the family. So, I sat there until he left - just in case.
Costco suggests, if you see anyone open carrying in their stores, to find a manager and let them know.
WalMart, on the other hand, has a policy to follow local ordinances.
We're not friends anymore for a few reasons, his misguided beliefs being just one.
The area isn't bad and I'm sure there are great people living there, but the ones I met were definitely what one might call: Trump's people.